How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 34 pounds now.. ob said it's baby fattening up..hmmm
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I'm now carrying a honeydew melon..soon to be a small watermelon, hovering around the 4ish lb mark.
Maternity clothes: Done buying new ones, just rotating a few pairs for work. and wearing lounge pants when I'm home. comfort is key right now..
Stretch marks: Small stretchies on my hips. Still none whatsover on my belly, so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: Actually getting decent amount of Zzz's since we have the window open and the fall breeze keeps my body temp down. I also shove pillows up against my back in addition to my huge maternity pillow, so that helps.
Best moment this week: Hearing Cole's heartbeat/kicks on the fetal monitor after noticing decreased activity lately..
Movement: He sleeps alot more now. And he's running out of room in my cramped uterus. But when he's awake and active you can definitely see every roll or twist he makes. I'm often lopsided from how he's moving.
Food cravings: None. Just enjoying treats here and there..
Belly button in or out: Definitely popped and keeps popping more each week. Turkey is almost done ;-)
What I miss: Getting in and out of the car with ease, climbing stairs w/o nearly passing out, and lately sushi (mmmmm)
What I'm looking forward to: Maternity leave! One more week to go....
Milestone: Hitting full term of 37 weeks !!
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