Mr. Laz and I went to an infant CPR & lifesaving techniques class this week at the hospital.
It started out innocently enough with a few other couples sitting in front of their "babies". I use this term loosely b/c gone are the cutesie flesh colored babies of classes past... they are now futuristic silver versions. They seriously could pass for mini terminator offspring. I guess it's easier to be non-denominational this way. But they are pretty creepy looking and seem to have their mouth frozen in a permanent shocked "O".
...And apparently their heads come off. haha. Take a look at the below pic...yes that's a CPR robot baby without it's head. The bad news is that's what happened to Jay's baby while delivering back whacks during the choking portion... the good news is that the lodged item in baby's airway wasn't an issue anymore ;-)

In all seriousness the class was super informative and Jay and I feel as prepared as we can be. I'm sure we'll still panic when it happens but at least we know what we're supposed to do. And the teacher assured us, the head won't come off of our baby no matter what ;-)
1 comment:
"Honey? I seemed to have popped the baby's head off... Is that normal?" haha ! ;)
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