From there we were shown the area where babies are bathed and specially monitored/treated. And right next to that room was the operating room for c-sections. I was suprised how close it is to the actual delivery rooms. The private delivery rooms are pretty nice, complete with wallpaper and wooden furniture. And every room has it's own window view which is nice. And there is a tv in each room to help you pass the hours..The rooms are called LDRP because you go through the entire process in that one room. So labor, delivery, recovery and post partum all are in one room. Unless you have a C-section of course... but I'm not going to have a C-section ;-)
The tour guide (who happened to be a breastfeeding lactation specialist) showed us what happens after baby is delivered and went over the timeline of how events will happen. So we know what happens over the next two hours from when we deliver. She assured us that most babies are very blue until they take their first few breaths. And that they get little hospital bracelets as soon as they are placed on the table. The tour guide then took us over to see the nursery which had only one little baby in it. The little newborn was all swaddled in one of the warming beds area of the nursery. We were told that the little warming bed area is also little boys will get their snip-snip procedure ;-)
Overall, the tour was very informative and it was definitely an eye opener that my time was coming. A few mommies on the tour were due at the end of this month and they looked ready to pop and very nervous, especially when the guide said "See you in a few weeks" at the end of the tour. But I'm glad we had a chance to see everything and get a better idea of what to expect :)
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