Total weight gain: I have gained 24 lbs
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, my eggplant baby is now at the 2lb mark.
Maternity clothes: Some fit good, some a little tight. might have to buy some new stuff soon..
Stretch marks: None so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: i'm trying...i get a few un-interrupted hours a night mostly
Best moment this week: Arrival of our changing table/dresser, looks awesome with the crib. Nursery is coming together!
Movement: Cole is very active and seems to be on a pattern for the most part. So i've been able to watch his movements on the surface or let family members touch my belly for kicks.
Food cravings: Ice cream and pickles still..but not really craving them, just enjoying them from time to time.
Belly button in or out: Still on the innie team... but not for much longer?
What I miss: NOT having intense hip, pelvis, back and feet pain after a day of work, even if I sat all day! ouchie...
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Cole's bottom, foot, or head jutting out of my stomach. haha.
Milestone: Passed last week's glucose test for gestational diabetes. Waiting for 30 week mark and my baby shower... woohoo!
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