I observed my cousin with her and it's so sweet how they interact. Although my cousin says there is no routine..this is what I observed after half a day visiting...
She eats, gets burped, then I got to hold her and she starting "shooting bunnies" and then it was time to change her. Then she's happy and content and you can put her in her Graco Sweetpeace swing (i registered for this too, so cool) and her eyelids get heavy. And she naps. Then she fusses when it's time to eat again. And the cycle begins all over again. Occassionally she falls alseep while nursing and is ready to eat sooner than every 2 hours but otherwise it's pretty routine. My cousin said her doctor said to just let Raelyn have her own schedule for the first three months.
When she's awake she is adorable to watch. Heck, when she sleeps she's adorable to watch too. As evidenced by the sleepy baby pic at the bottom of this post. She reacts to items in the room and things that dangle above her, like the little moon and stars mobile attached to her pack n play. She even smiled for me when i was rubbing her ear while she laid on my knees. awww.
My cousin is looking to move back this way sometime next year. We can't wait to set up playdates for little Cole and Raelyn. woohoo!
My back has seen better days though after making the trip, 2 hrs up and 2 hrs back. I think that will be the last extended distance trip for me before Cole arrives ;-)
Here's a few pics I took before my camera died.. Thanks to Mandi & Jeff for letting me visit and for being such sweet hosts :) Kisses to you all and Kiera too..such a sweet pup.
Me, looking a little windblown, holding Raelyn.
Content after a diaper change..
Happy in her vibrating swing..
Passing out after a good meal & diaper change..
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