Total weight gain: I have gained 20 lbs!
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I now have an eggplant growing in me and it's 1.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Fitting like a glove, some I've already outgrown.
Stretch marks: None so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: sleep? what's that? getting a few hours in a night... sore back and heartburn is back again.
Best moment this week: Watching Cole react to me talking to him while I caressed my belly.
Movement: The kicks are around the clock and off the charts. Cole kicks and punches every which way, and I can see every one bouncing on the surface. Jay has felt it and seen it several times now. Cole seems to react to when i run my belly and talk to him.
Food cravings: Ice cream sandwiches, Watermelon cubes, Welch's Grape soda (caffeine free)
Belly button in or out: Still on the innie team... but not for much longer?
What I miss: Painting my toes.... um, can't reach them no matter how i turn. Clear skin... breakout city with my hormones going crazy.Cold breezes..
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Cole's foot outline on my belly, the changing table to arrive, our custom mobile to arrive..
Milestone: Glucose test for gestational diabetes is set for next week. I have to drink this sweet orange solution, then have my blood drawn within one hour. Cross your fingers I pass the test!
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