How far along: 23 weeks exactly
Total weight gain: I have gained 16 lbs since beginning of pregnancy. gaining weight quicker now.. Gotta cut back from one jar of pickles a day to half a jar ;-)
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I have a papaya growing in me and it's 1 pound.
Maternity clothes: Fitting like a glove, some I've already outgrown.
Stretch marks: None so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: Some days I sleep really good b/c the frequent bathroom trips have slowed. Other nights I feel lower back pain and get leg cramps, which make sleeping tough. But overall doing good..
Best moment this week: Putting the mobile on the crib and watching it spin and play Brahmns "Lullaby", it just made my heart melt imagining baby Cole beneath it..
Movement: The kicks have officially started and a few of them have to be punches. Occasionally Cole must be hitting my lung b/c I'll suddenly cough for air like the wind has been knocked out of me.
Food cravings: Pickles, Watermelon cubes, Welch's Grape soda (caffeine free)
Belly button in or out: Still an innie- but it's like a dash now..hardly any opening
What I miss: Wearing my rings..i can only wear them some days b/c of my fingers swelling.. My long hair...i hacked it last week b/c I couldn't take it anymore in this heat. Muuuuuuch better :)
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, anticipating stronger kicks and punches, playing music through headphones on my belly..
Milestone: V-day is coming, one more week. V-day refers to vitality day. I'm not sure where it began but the gals on and other message boards relish knowing that if you were to have premature labor the chances of survival for your newborn increase significantly when you start your 24th week of pregnancy and continue to improve as the weeks continue. All the baby books tell you that your baby has developed enough that it stands a much better chance at surviving than prior to week 24. So yay for almost being 24 weeks! Up next is the glucose test for gestational diabetes, around week 26/27.
Look who else wanted to be in the picture.. This was the first time Poe got on the crib and somehow I doubt it will be the last :( Since Poe's litterbox is still in the closet upstairs I have to keep the nursery door open for him. But I have since covered all the crib rails with blankets so no wood is exposed. Once baby Cole comes along we'll move the litterbox somewhere (haven't figured out where..Mom's house? JOKING!) and the nursery door will be closed, off limits to curious kitties ;-)