This week's pic is back to a la commode via myself since the nursery is a fantastic mess right now. I can barely find the crib in that mess! We decided to remove the old wire shelving in the walk-in closet and repaint and install Closetmaid laminate sections. So everything in the closet is now in the middle of our nursery. Poor Poe is displaced and we have his litterbox in the hallway..
I found this cool template that a fellow thebump.com member uses so I'll be using this from now on.. I'll do updates every two weeks..
How far along: 21 weeks exactly
Total weight gain: I have gained 10 lbs since beginning of pregnancy, weighing in at 174. Mostly boob and baby weight, bwahaha.
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I have a banana growing in me and it's just shy of 1 pound.
Maternity clothes: Wearing dresses more and more b/c it's so hot. and thank goodness for anti-chafe lotion for skin-on-skin friction ;-)
Stretch marks: None so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: It's been hard to sleep the past few nights, partly because I find that my nasal passages are super stuffy lately and also b/c I'm getting lower back pain off an on.
Best moment this week: I saw a ripple motion in my belly as I was staring at it after my shower. It was the coolest thing ever and I tried to show Jay but it lasted so briefly. This was the first time I ever saw anything, mostly just felt flutters and soft kicks.
Movement: The flutters and kics are much more noticeable, but are still pretty soft and hard for Jay to feel. I told him just give it a few more weeks ;-)
Food cravings: Maple Walnut ice cream, Jello Pudding Pops, Waterice, Bread n' Butter pickles, dill pickles, kosher dill pickles...Pickles & ice cream...very stereotypical preggo appetite. haha.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie- but it's gotten so shallow and flat, threatens to pop after I eat at times..
What I miss: Getting an uninterrupted night's sleep. Bending down to do things, haha!
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery and starting our baby registries!
Milestone: So far I've made it to the gender ultrasound, next milestone is the week 26 1hr glucose test for gestational diabetes. keep your fingers crossed i pass, otherwise i have to do the 3-hr test next, yuck.