I'm starting to feel those flutters they tell you about. It's like a little Mexican jumping bean just under the surface. It's happening every few days now and some days it happens a few times a day. I also notice that my uterus is rising higher and higher, extending my belly.
Last night I had my 17-week OB visit and I got to hear the heartbeat again. It was going strong and the dr found it right away this time. And while he had the transducer on my stomach, I felt some movement and there was this weird static sound. Dr told me it was my baby kicking back. awesome!
In general I'm feeling pretty good. I've got a good, no GREAT, appetite. I can seriously devour a jar of pickles in one day. haha. The headaches are few and far between. And I am slowly gaining more energy. I'm still pretty wiped out by the end of the day but I'm able to get some things done before cooking dinner, instead of crashing for a nap like I did through the first tri.
Now that I've finally decided to start having someone else take my pic, Jay's camera decided to croak. Lovely. So for now we're using my cell phone so sorry the pics aren't super clear. but it's still better than having me hold the camera in my own portraits ;-)