How far along: 37 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: 38 pounds now...
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I'm now carrying a small watermelon.., hovering around the 6.5ish lb mark.
Maternity clothes: Only a few fit...just wearing the comfiest stuff while around the house since I'm on maternity leave now.
Stretch marks: Small stretchies on my hips. Still none whatsover on my belly, so far *fingers crossed*
Sleep: I do what I can, in between all the frequent bathroom trips.
Best moment this week: Cole goin crazy in my belly while the boys played Rock Band.
Movement: He sleeps alot more now. And he's running out of room in my cramped uterus. But when he's awake and active you can definitely see every roll or twist he makes. I'm often lopsided from how he's moving.
Food cravings: None. Just enjoying treats here and there..
Belly button in or out: Just when i think it can't pop any further, there it goes even more... Turkey is almost done ;-)
What I miss: Having work to do to keep my preoccupied...the hours really drag by..
What I'm looking forward to: Thanksgiving and then Cole's arrival, in that order ;-)
Milestone: At term now...nursery all ready.. just need Cole..
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