Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009

12 week update... yes i said two cheeseburgers, mmm

Ok, so I'm 12 weeks along now. well, 12w3d if you want to be exact. I won't lie, it hasn't been easy. Weeks 8-10 I was very nauseous and had very bad heartburn. Every thing looked unappetizing. And what was worse is that it all smelled horrible! For those weeks I relied on Raman or light grazing whenever my stomach protested from not eating. I was so jealous of mr. laz being able to eat whatever he wanted.

But things have turned around since my 11th week and now I'm back to feeling hungry and enjoying food. The other day I was sooo hungry right before I left work. And even though I knew I had meat defrosting for dinner to cook in less than an hour, I just NEEDED food. So I told my coworker I was stopping at mcdonalds on my way home. she asked if I was getting fries to tide me over? I said "bwahahha, I'm getting a 2 cheeseburger meal". She knew I already had dinner plans for the night. She couldn't believe I was going to get 2 cheeseburgers. My response, "well you know, I'm eating for 2 now. " ;-)

Just for fun I snapped a pic of my 12 week profile. The first thing you notice when you look in my direction is my set of, ahem, twins. They have nearly doubled in size since we found out I was pregnant. My "belly" is mostly bloat at this point but my stomach is definitely starting to round out and distend. And I can feel my uterus starting to push out toward my belly button. Yes, i said uterus. Gonna break out those maternity pants this week I think ;-)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our little bean..

Here's our first ever ultrasound, taken when I was about 8 weeks. It was quite the experience for us both. They made me guzzle water an hour before I went in. I had to pee like nobody's business. I thought for sure as she pushed and massaged the transducer across my stomach that I would let the rivers flow all over the table. But I managed to keep it in check and even forgot for just a minute when the tech showed us the image of my little bean. It's heart was beating ferociously at 170 bpm, very strong. And the tech pointed out the nutrional gestation sack and the umbilical cord to us. And then she released me to the nearest bathroom. ahhhh.
Our estimated due date was set for December 11th. On website that makes me a member of the JingleBellies club ;-)

We won't go back for another ultrasound until around 19 or 20 weeks, when they determine the gender. Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl! Hubby is thinking girl... ;-)