Okay, yeah so I found it harder than i thought to find the time to update my blog. I give kudos to the new mommies who can find time to update blogs, Facebook, Twitter...
I guess I owe everyone a birth story but I'm gonna keep this short and sweet as possible. Basically I went into labor on my own on Sat, Dec 12th, four days past my due date. It was very irregular and it took forever for contractions to get down to 5 mins apart. Finally, by the end of the day it was time to head to the hospital and I wasn't in too much pain. After I was brought to triage, things really started to slow down, they called it latent labor. I was beyond bummed and my doctor checked me a few times and i hadn't made much progress beyond a centimer dialation. Finally, the doctor decided to just admit me b/c he was worried that if he sent me home I'd just be right back in no time b/c contractions were definitely happening. So they admitted me and checked me in the morning..only to find that I hadn't progressed and the contractions had really spaced out...
The decision was made to induce me on Sunday morning since I was going to be induced two days later anyway b/c of being on a pre-eclampysia watch. So my doctor got the Pitocin going and then things were rollin. I will spare you the details of how loud I was screaming as the contractions started getting very intense but let's just say I wanted to murder my doctor for making me wait a while for my epidural. If I could have gotten my past-due preggo self out of that bed I would have nailed him in the twigs n berries :P
So fast forward many hours later and I made it to 8cm and the epi was wearing off. I got set up with a new one and was starting to feel good when the doctor told me that Cole's heartrate was getting a little too high. They had me roll on my side..when that didn't help..they told me I would prob need to have a c-section. And then the next thing I knew his heartrate spiked over 200 and they were shoving consent forms at me for an emergency c-section and making me drink something in a dixie cup. And then they were wheeling me at lightspeed to the ER room. In hindsight, it was probably a good thing that I had just been given an epidural..it kept me from feeling any panic at the situation. It felt like an eternity on the table before I heard his cries..
Long story short, baby Cole Brennan made his debut at 10:23pm on Sunday, Dec 13th, five days past his due date. He was a healthy 9lbs, 11oz, 20 inches.. so I think I lucked out in this deal...could you imagine pushing THAT out? ;-)
Ok, so to catch everyone up here's a few pics of Cole in his first few weeks and month's one, two, three and four. And I'll just continue posting a few times a month to keep everyone updated on Cole's progress and for some pic spam :)
First week at home:

Second week:

Third week:

First Month:

Second Month

Third Month:

Fourth Month: